doctor_toy_10_best_active_products Dr. Toy writes "Certainly age grading, name recognition, company dependability, versatility of design, and place of purchase are factors to obtain the right product. Another aspect you can depend on is a warranty. Rising costs for products require us to be wise consumers and to get extra lasting value. Certainly durable products, properly designed, and developmentally correct are worth the money. Children’s positive reactions are worth the extra effort. I utilize a complicated set of objective and subjective criteria to evaluate toys and other products. Some questions to ask are:
  • Is this product worth the price?
  • Does it have lasting “play value”?
  • Is it appropriate?
  • Is it fun?
  • Does it meet safety standards?
Dr. Toy is pleased to have the opportunity to share her years of play and toy experiences with consumers to assist them in the selection process." Dr. Toy announces RingStix as Ten Best Active Products.